You are here: 12. Micronet ECOM > 12.4. Placing an Order > 12.4.5. Add to Favourites

Add to Favourites

When you are placing an order, you can add frequently ordered items to your Favourites list. You then use the Favourites button on the navigation bar to display those items – see "Favourites" later in this manual. This means that, rather than searching through the entire catalogue for items that you purchase regularly, they can all be accessed in one place.

To add an item as a favourite:

  1. Place your order as usual.

Refer to either "Placing an Order in List View" or "Placing an Order in Grid View".

  1. Select the item you want to add as a favourite then select the Add to Favourites button.

Add to Favourites button - Grid View

Add to Favourites button – List View

In both cases, Micronet displays a message that the item has been added to your favourites.

The Add to Favourites button is also highlighted.

  1. You can select the View Favourites button on the message to view your favourites and remove items you no longer want, or you can view your favourite items via the navigation bar – see "Favourites" later in this manual.